Ever since January 20, 2020, America has been going down the path of directed self-destruction from within by the majority that has become so complacent & apathetic that it allows the minority to run amuck with carte blanche to destroy everything it touches with wanton ignorance and unadulterated violence.

Let me begin with the 2020 election, which we all know deep down was defrauded (stolen) by the left & Democrats. Going to sleep seeing Trump winning by a near landslide, then waking up and Biden receiving 81,000 million plus votes was utterly dumbfounding. But the most egregious act was the involvement of the CIA with more than 50 former intelligence agents signing off on an official letter purposely discrediting albeit truth about Hunter Biden's laptop and the incriminating evidence it contained, not only about Hunter himself, but his father, then Senator Biden, Vice President Biden, and now President Biden.
This suppression of the laptop during an election was prima facie election interference and a directed effort to help get Biden elected. The same argument the corrupted progressive prosecutors, MSM, leftist pundits, and race baiting grifters have been using relentlessly against President Trump regarding the NDA his lawyer facilitated with former Porn star, Stormy Daniels. Yet no one has applied the same judicial logic towards the former intelligence officials signing off on an unofficial and unsubstantiated (non-investigated) letter declaring Hunter's laptop basically null and void.
The two tiers of justice, double standards being applied, fictitious charges were filed against President Trump for that NDA his lawyer bought and paid for with his own money after re-mortgaging his own home, then billing his client for "legal services." Yet somehow Alvin Bragg managed to concoct 34 mysterious criminal charges out of that single transaction that no one even knows or understands let alone can articulate. Even far left liberal Vox admits that this trial was purely politically driven and not legally justified.
Then there are the absurd claims that President Trump planned, conspired, and executed the events that took place at the Capital on January 6, 2020. Adding insult to injury were the closed-door Democrat ran hearings regarding J6, as it has been coined, and the restriction of valuable video & audio evidence from the public. Public information being denied to the public, why? Clearly the Democrats had a lot to hide, and since the release of much (if not all) of the video & audio evidence to Tucker Carlson, among others, it became clear that J6 was not all that the left and Democrats kept puffing it up to be.
Notwithstanding, the United States Supreme Court has heard a case on the trumped-up charges (pun intended) of obstruction against hundreds of J6 defendants and overruled the lower courts on same. Therefore, it stands to reason that most if not all J6 defendants under that inappropriately applied obstruction charge will have their convictions reversed and freed. After all, Nancy Pelosi admitted on video she took responsibility for not having the National Guard present at the Capital on January 6th.
Then when Biden took office one of the very first acts that he did within a month in office was to sign an Executive Order (EO) reversing everything President Trump did in protecting the sovereignty of the United States boarders. Ever since then, Biden and his co-conspirator Mayorkas has allowed over 11,000,000 illegal aliens from ALL OVER THE WORLD from countries that HATE America to "invade" our sovereign nation. That, alone, is bonafide TREASON!
Now as a result of Biden's treasonous act on our Northern but most of all on our Southern border, American citizens and legal residents are being violently, brutally raped, murdered by violent illegal immigrant criminals from all over the world. There are countless official reports of such acts reported across the nation, easily found by any simple internet search.
Next is the destruction of the nation's youth through the social contagion of transgender and gender ideologies, namely in females (young girls). In the prior years before pharmaceutical businesses took a foothold on medicating everyone needlessly, targeting the youth was one direct way to screw up the population in order to make them dependent on their false promises using their fabricated drugs to magically change their gender.
Puberty blockers were never meant for healthy young boys and girls, only those going through hyper-puberty. Those incidences were far, few, and between and yet everyone on the left swears by their efficacy even though they have never been used on healthy children or young adults in mass for actual medical purposes. No, the usage the transgender and gender ideology demand children be given free and clear access to pharmaceuticals without a care in the world of what it would do to them long term.
Puberty blockers: "...a long-term study by the United Kingdom’s leading facility for treating gender-dysphoric children found otherwise. Contrary to common beliefs about puberty-blocking drugs, the majority of children who take them do not resume puberty."
Any an all so-called "science" that the left claims in support of transgender & gender ideology is patently flawed. It takes years, decades in fact to actually know the end result of any particular treatment, especially chemical (pharmaceutical).
Then there is the psychological damage on top of the pharmaceutical damage. The of untreated depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, and so forth. These are the forgoing reasons why most "confused" by the indoctrination of transgender and gender ideology have such a pronounced high rate of suicidality. A tragedy that is easily preventable if society would just endorse and enforce reality upon the fictional world that the corrupt social media (SM) influenced by the Chinese Communist Party peddles on TikTok, among other SM platforms.
The well-known pundit and social commentator, Matt Walsh, has produced a defining documentary that literally and figuratively debunks the entire transgender & gender ideologies with "What is a Woman." A documentary that to this day, has not been debunked on any level or measure. Matt even went on the syndicated Dr Phil show with a few brainwashed guests and demolishes ALL OF THEM!!!
These ideological efforts are clearly intended to break down and destroy potential soldiers within America who would actually defend America if and when America was ever invaded. You know the movie with Patrick Swayze, 'Red Dawn'? Does anyone present day actually believe there would be high school kids and/or young adults that would do as Patrick's character and the 'Wolverines' did in this movie? Of course not. Not when we have men like this:

No, America would lose any potential invasion by China, among other countries.
Oh, and wait, what about this transgender clown:

Fake tits flashed on the United States White House lawn for fucks sake. Really?????
Oh, and let's not forget about the homosexual sex not only within government offices, but we have a gay man in charge of transportation that hasn't done shit but take vacations and "maternity" leave. He only steps in front of the camera to explain away an infrastructure disaster involving boats, planes, trains and/or automobiles.
This transgender and gender ideology is pure nonsense and the clear antithesis of what mother nature intended.
Then there is the real issue of transgender violence due to the dire effects of the ideology pushing this nonsense through false psychology and false pharmaceutics altering their young minds and their emotions is clear. The violence is undeniable.
Despite the transgender ideology, another big issue America faces is divisive race relations. Trump did not exacerbate it, Obama did. And it did not help when thug Treyvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman. Obama saying "if Treyvon was my son" bullshit. Treyvon got exactly what he dissevered; exactly what Karma had laid out for him. End of story.
Nor did it help when Micheal Brown was killed by a police officer defending himself against Brown. Even Obama's DOJ cleared Officer Wilson. Michael Brown was just yet another young black thug that America has been all too familiar with.
Then comes George Floyd, a career of drug addicted violent criminal who busted into a pregnant woman's home and shoved a gun to her pregnant belly. Yet "Saint Floyd" has been honored with busts, statues and park benches with his likeness on it, not to mention the endless murals across the nation. The celebration of a career criminal who died of a heart attack complicated by a fatal dose of meth-fentanyl mixed drugs, COVID19, all of which was brought on and exacerbated by excited delirium.
The autopsy report made this clear, but all anyone saw, and all the left & democrats pushed was the knee on the back of the neck. The autopsy report also made it clear that there were no life-threatening injuries to the structures of Floyd's neck. The report also disclosed that under different circumstances, like finding Floyd dead in his home with the same autopsy results, it would be determined he died of an overdose.
Yet the nation bought the lies sold by the corrupt left and democrat officials in Minneapolis, turning their backs on law enforcement, especially those involved who ended up being charged, convicted and sentenced for Floyd's death when neither caused his death. The documentary The Fall of Minneapolis paints a crystal-clear picture how law enforcement was stabbed in the back and proves Floyd was not killed by Officer Chauvin, or any other officer for that matter.
Officer Derek Chauvin, like many defendants who are railroaded by the system into accepting plea agreements at their expense, Chauvin was forced to take a plea to his detriment for a crime he never committed.
The left and Democrats just will not let any potential incident that can be twisted to drive a wedge between white and black people in America. However, whenever actual incidents where black criminals attack Asians, Hispanics and especially white people, they ignore it like the plague. The MSM, may or may not report on it, but if they do it is once with no follow-ups and typically local news vs national.
Fact is blacks have committed the most homicides since the 1960s, a 2023 report finds. Yet no one on the left, democrats, or the MSM will ever report on this let alone admit it because it just doesn't fit their divisive race baiting narrative that is strictly anti-white in intent and purpose.
"The analysis shows that Black men have had the highest rate of homicide victimization since 1960. That year, the homicide rate for Black men was 42 per 100,000 people. By 1970, it was 78 per 100,000."
"From 1980 to 1999, the rate hovered around 54 per 100,000 people before declining from 2000 to 2019 to around 35 per 100,000. In 2021, the number went back up to 54. To put it in perspective, the homicide rate for white males has never gone above 8.4 per 100,000 since 1960, according to the study."
Systemic Racism in Crime: Do Blacks Commit More Crimes Than Whites? | Online Library of Liberty (libertyfund.org)
Let's just face reality, black Americans, or black people in general, simply commit more violent person crimes than any other race. Worse is the fact that blacks victimize other blacks (intraracial violence) at a staggering rate of more than 90%.
What a lot of people on the left argue against evidence proving the violent criminality of blacks in America is by using raw numbers claiming whites commit more violent crimes. Using raw numbers is an implicit logical fallacy, because it does not take into account statistical proportionality and per capita data. Blacks have been an up and down 12-14% of the total population while whites have ben between 64-74% of the population. So by raw numbers, yeah, more whites than blacks mean more crimes are committed by more whites; but that just is not the case as the data bears out where statistical proportionality and per capita clear shows/illustrates.
FBI — Table 43 for 2019
Another undeniable fact that the left and democrats hate to acknowledge is the level of black on white crimes. Blacks kill 2x as many whites than the inverse, but they say nothing and argue (rather brainwash black Americans) that whites are hunting black men in the streets day in and day out, which is just not true. It is the other way around, and the sad reality of how and why is as follows:
"Today, after a civil-rights revolution (culminating in the election of the nation's first African-American president) and $15 trillion spent on a feckless war on poverty (the official poverty rate hasn't budged), more than 70 percent of black babies are born out of wedlock.
Consequently, unemployment and poverty remain far higher for blacks than for the rest of Americans. More disturbing, however, is the elephant in the living room that no one in the public eye seems interesting in addressing — appalling levels of crime committed by young African-American males."
$15 Trillion! That was your "reparations" for slavery right there, and every dime of it was squandered as any $1 given to black communities across this nation always is due to a lack of personal responsibility and accountability for one's choices, decisions and actions.
Here is another reality, as previously mentioned:
"The narrative that blacks are at elevated risk for “existing while black” is true, but not because whites are killing them. Their assailants are other blacks, which means that these black victims are of no interest to the race activists and to their media and political allies."
The facts are undeniable, blacks are killing their own and they have no one to blame but themselves for their own lack of self-respect for their own community members.
Another issue that is being pushed to the forefront of all political activist demonstrations across the country is black people demanding "reparations" for slavery. An institution that ended in 1865 and not a single living black American alive today was never a slave, and no white person alive today was ever a slave holder.
While many argue that the financial value of the slaves in 1860 (five years before the end of slavery) was around $3 billion, that value was destroyed post-Civil Rights of the 1960s when black Americans stopped being resourceful, becoming educated, and black women marrying the government with free taxpayer money that increased with each child she gave birth to so long as the father of each one was not in the home. That was Lyndon B. Johnson's (LBJ) plan, to have every "Negro" voting democrat for the rest of their natural born lives.
The fact is government money (i.e., taxpayer money) has been doled out to the black community across various programs in an effort to "lift them up" to an equal playing field as their white counterparts. Those funds were all but abused and squandered over the decades to present day, 2024. It matters not how much money is thrown at the black community, they will just waste it and then demand more. Here is one of many recent examples:
Mom given $10,800 in taxpayer-funded program for poor families spent most of it on luxury Miami trip: ‘I wanted to blow it’ (msn.com)
And then there are black people who get into positions of power and further squander taxpayer money to their sole selfish benefit:
Small-Town Illinois Mayor Accused of Spending Taxpayer Funds on Vegas Trip, Lavish Expenses Accumulating $7M In Debt (atlantablackstar.com)
Americans on the whole just do not agree with reparations for slavery:
Bottom line, reparations for slavery when less than 1.6% of Americans owned slaves, many of which were freed blacks (around 3,000) owning more than 12k slaves, were also involved. Then the obvious factor is no one alive today was ever a slave, let alone a slaver owner. There were obvious errors and mistakes made on both sides, yet no one alive today is to blame let alone is financially responsible for what ended in 1865.
A recent issue attacking American's first amendment rights of freedom of speech has been addressed by the United States Supreme Court, and it was a very disappointing decision to say in the least. This was a convoluted case, but on its surface appeared rather clear cut; but I will let this author who provides an opinion analysis and argument analysis explain it. Just too much to add herein.
Next is the clear weaponization of the law and federal agencies against anyone who opposes the democratic party, individually or on the party on the whole, regardless of class or professional position.
Thankfully there is some good news amongst all the targeting of those who oppose the left and the Democratic party and its policies.
Then there is the rather large elephant in the room, George Soros.
When police departments hands are tied and they do not arrest criminal offenders, they never go before a DA for charging. Those not charged, don't face consequences and are given carte blanche to commit their crimes. And when the police know they must arrest a criminal for a violent crime, for a Soros backed DA to dismiss charges and let them walk, or a leftist SJW or Soros backed judge lets them walk on dismal bail amounts, it drives a knife in the back of law enforcement creating resentment towards the Criminal Justice System they support on the streets.
I could go on and on and on how Soros funded DAs are screwing America at the expense of American lives
The LIST of problems America faces that many are in denial about and let happen is way too long:
~ 2020 BLM Burn Loot Murder riots where NO ONE has been sufficiently charged and sentences compared to the treatment of the tiny riot on J6 and the efforts to silence those arrested & held without trial (violation of Habeus Corpus)
~ Not a single name on Epstein's client list has ever been made public, arrested, charged and convicted
~ No one is above the law???? Obama, Clintons and Bidens clearly are
~ Racist and personal attacks upon white males and Christians accused falsely of racism and nationalism
~ 2020 defund the police and legalize narcotics created chaos and homelessness in addition to increased crime in the streets across America
~ Black Privilege
~ LGBTQ+ privilege
~ Destruction & degradation of television and movie industry with woke agendas ruining classic trilogies, genres and franchisees
~ Corrupt politicians working hard to destroy the US Constitution
~ Climate Hoax & gross anti-natural sources for energy like natural gas with the push to get rid of gasoline engines for EVs which are more expensive and corrosive to the environment than combustion engines
~ The DemoKKKrats and left are anti-Bill of Rights, namely the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th Amendments
~ Inflation still on the rise
All of this has been going on since the very 1st day Sleepy Joe Child/Hair sniffing pedophile senile Biden took office.
Is this what some people really want to continue vs the prosperous world we had under Donald Trump?