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Black Men, not Whites, are the True Violent Criminals in the USA

Let's cut to the chase...

As of late, most mass shooters are #POC (people of color), namely black men.

Look at the above image. 2021. What do you see? What do you NOT see?

Look at the above image. 2022. Just a small sampling. All black men. Did you hear of any one or more of them? Did the MSM cover them? Of course not. And even if any one or more were accounted for in the media, the story came and went as fast as a jet plane flying over your head. *POOF* Gone!

FACT: A little less than half of the 6% black male population (3%) commit over 50% of the entire nation's #murders and non-negligent manslaughters. Not #whites. Not #Hispanics. #Blackmales.

FACT: Black males murder more whites than vice versa. The rate of murders by blacks with white victims is staggering and flies in the face of the left's and MSM assertion otherwise.

FACT: The only race second to blacks who commit the most mass shootings are #Asians. Not whites. Not Hispanics. But the #MSM and leftist #whiteguilt #liberals, along with braindead #democrats, will protest endlessly that white people are the problem and none other, thereby #denying the well documented fact-based truth is that proportionally, black males are the true mass murderers in this country, not whites.

Yet despite every incident where a white male (cop or otherwise) kills a black person, the #left and #whiteguilt #liberals go bat shit crazy falsely accusing #whitemales of the #hate in this country, when in fact, black people are the most #racist among any group in this country. And not only against just whites, but Asians as well. And when black males commit mass shootings against Asians, it is not classified as a #hatecrime. Go figure. Classic #doublestandard all the way around. What is worse, even more sinister is when blacks attack/kill Asians, it is blamed on #whitesupremacy.

"When it comes to mass murderers, almost all of which are men, white men are actually underrepresented and black men overrepresented when compared to their percentages of the American male population."

"Non-Hispanic whites don't seem to commit mass shootings at greater than their share of the population. The groups that appear overrepresented are blacks and Asians."

But these facts are too inconvenient for the left, the democrats trying to score political points with "no tragedy left unexploited" for their personal gain; as well as for the #racebaiting #charlatans like #AlSharpton, #LeeMerrit, #BenjaminCrump, #fraud #ShaunKing, et al. The moment someone posts the aforementioned fact based truths to various social media platforms like #Facebook, #Instagram and even #Twitter, those users get immediately suspended for #hateful conduct rule violations.

Meanwhile blacks and white guilt liberals are allowed to post incendiary blatantly fallacious #racist and #bigoted attacks upon #innocent white Americans with absolutely NO repercussion or consequences of any kind.

History is replete with horrid example after another of the heinous barbarity of black males they enact upon innocent white men, women and children.

"On December 7, 1993, a Jamaican immigrant named Colin Ferguson opened fire in a Long Island Rail Road commuter car, killing six and wounding nineteen. In hand-written notes carried in his pocket, Mr. Ferguson made undeniably clear his motive for murdering a bunch of white strangers: revenge for the racism he saw lurking behind every disappointment in his life."

(Truly horrific crimes at the hands of black males)


While whites are the predominate racial population in this country, proportionally, blacks are overrepresented in violent person crimes (e.g., murder, non-negligent manslaughter, robberies, etc.), to include #massshootings

Bottom line is the FACT that white privilege, white supremacy, white violence, white hate is NOT the violence problem America faces; it is black privilege, black supremacy, black violence, and black hate for whites and Asians.




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