Ever since the asinine reaction to the death of George Floyd, the call to defund the police and rescind cash bail has undoubtedly resulted in nothing short of an obvious increase in crime across the entire nation (namely liberal democratic ran cities).
Los Angeles: The city cut $150 million from its LAPD budget last July. As of late November 2020, LA recorded 300 homicides. Killings were reportedly up 25% since 2019, and shootings were up more than 32% Shootings in South LA rose 742% in the first two weeks of January.
Improving our criminal-justice system means spending the requisite money to address America’s horrific and long-standing problem with criminal violence.
'Defund Police' Fueled crime in mid-sized cities.

“This experience should be a lesson to state and local leaders about the real costs of irresponsible proposals to defund the police,” wrote U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr of Best’s resignation."
"City councils in Oakland and Portland, Oregon, among other cities across America, approved budgets that cut police funding.
That trend has reversed. Portland and Oakland increased police funding to hire more officers. The Los Angeles Police Department’s budget will get a 12% boost. Last month Ms. Breed vowed to “take steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement” and “less tolerant of all the bullshit that has destroyed our city”. Why such a stark reversal, and what does it mean for the future of criminal-justice reform?"
"‘Violence — of any kind, and no less against our officers — is unacceptable and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,’ a representative of Mayor Adams tells the Sun."
"Controversy surrounding the case has heaped pressure on Bragg after it was revealed that only one of the 14 migrant youths accused of attacking the officers near Times Square last weekend remained in custody on Rikers Island, while the others were released without bond."
"At least four of the criminal illegal alien thugs who recently beat up two New York City police officers have likely fled to California with taxpayer funds after being released without bail.
Cops believe the group could have hopped on a bus bound for California on Wednesday after giving phony names to a church-affiliated nonprofit group that helps migrants get rides out of the city,” the New York Post reported, citing law enforcement sources.
But where did the nonprofit get the tickets/vouchers for the illegals to flee the city? From the city itself, it appears."
The city paid for criminals to flee the jurisdiction. That is aiding and abetting right there. NYC is complicit in criminal activity, and those officers assaulted should sue the city for everything in its coffers. Everything.
This article doesn't even mention the historical lack of funding for police in NYC, specifically for Times Square in the 70s and 80s. Talk about repeating history post-2020 Burn Loot Murder riots. I bet one, maybe two people reading this blog will even know what I am talking about here. The Torso Killer. Richard Cottingham was capable of murdering women between NYC and New Jersey for two reasons: (1) lack of policing, and (2) lack of communication between police departments.
Worth the read. Too much information to breakdown here. It is scholarly.
Bottom line, claiming policing and criminal justice is racist is self-defeating. Blacks and browns commit a disproportionate amount of crime given their small % of the overall % of the total population. Fact is that black and brown people commit so much crime in disproportionate numbers to the % of their population juxtaposed to that of the total population, but people are too scared to address that reality for fear of being labeled a racist. Well, I say fuck them.
Minorities in America are the problem, especially those who will not assimilate and conform to American cultural values, norms, and law and order. The Democrats do not care about keeping America, America. They just want to remain in power, as evidenced by senile Joe Biden and his policies on illegal immigration that have now turned into illegal legalization of those illegal immigrants falsely claiming "asylum."
America is dead if former President Donald Trump doesn't win the 2024 election. Even then, if he does, the alphabet mafia and other mental basket cases, namely those on the Democratic Plantation (ignorant black folk, Negroes, N***ers) have already announced they will be attacking Conservatives as a result.
Be warned.
Be aware.
Be prepared.
Post November 7th 2024 is a wake up call.