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How did things go so terribly wrong in American society that's infected the world over?

  • Liberals do not believe in the freedom of speech, except their own, while playing the victim card as they attack anyone who disagrees with them.

  • Liberals do not believe in the freedom of religion, except their own interpretation and application of it upon dissenters.

  • Liberals make every effort to coerce others into their ideological agenda by getting their dissenters to say words they do not want to say.

  • Liberals are willing and able to take your children away if you do not acquiesce their sexual agenda of grooming your children into the alphabet soup mental disorders of the LGBTQ+-&! lifestyle choices.

  • Liberals only refer to science when it is convenient for them, but quickly dismiss it when it doesn't fit their narrative.

  • Liberals see Christians as the world's terrorists more than the obvious threat that Islam has been and continues to be present day.

  • Liberals are committed to destroying anyone's life who is outspoken in disagreeing with them.

"Progressivism is poisonous."

Perfect example involves Dr. Chuck Mcllhenny who was a pastor at the First Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He won a lawsuit regarding the church's right to dismiss their organist for being gay. This, of course, happened pre-1980s, but it demonstrates the intolerance of the leftists who hypocritically demand tolerance.

As a result of Mcllhenny prevailing in that lawsuit, his home and church were firebombed. When his home was firebombed, his family was asleep inside. No one was every prosecuted for the arson attack. For a few years his household received numerous threats and harassing phone calls on end. Some threatening to sexually assault and kill his three young daughters.

In the documentary film, A Nation Adrift, "chronicles the outrageous events that took place during the Hamilton Square Baptist Church riot in 1992. An angry group of homosexuals and lesbians, who objected to the speaker for that service, vandalized church property, assaulted church members, terrorized congregants, screamed profanity, threw rocks, harassed and frightened children, and disrupted the service. Rioters pounded on church doors and attempted to break through. When the rioters saw church children standing in the lobby, they shouted, “We want your children. Give us your children!”"

  1. Denial

  2. Shame & Hurt

  3. Narcolepsy & Ignorance

  4. Masochism

  5. Apology & Faux Compassion

  6. Defensiveness

  7. The Pain Game

  8. Racial Resume

  9. White Guilt

  10. Intellectualization

In recent studies and conversations being driven by CDC research, a not-so-new mental health crisis has been upon humanity, namely young high school aged girls, being far more depressed than previous generations. So much so that 1 in 3 girls of this age have seriously considered suicide. This decline in mental health of not only young girls, but boys as well, has been driven primarily by the invention and unfettered usage of smart phones and social medial.

Troubled youth turned adults in college leads to even more troubled minds to the point that they have been demanding safety and protection from words, ideas and facts that they do not like.

"Get enough snowflakes together, and they can wreak havoc, they're a force to be reckoned with."

The snowflake phenomena isn't isolated to the United States either.

"Wokeism’s natural logic is to destroy the lives of people of both genders, of all races, and—if need be—those of every age, all to leverage an otherwise unworkable ideological agenda. It is nihilist and destroys everything it touches. It tears apart foes and friends alike, whether by fueling media-driven hatred of Donald Trump or faux-deification of the disaster that is now Joe Biden."

"Then-French Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer echoed Macron’s sentiments. He warned , “There’s a battle to wage against an intellectual matrix from American universities.”

They were referring to the toxic wokeness that originated inside the hallowed halls of America’s finest universities. But this menace, even at the time these remarks were uttered, had spread its tentacles well beyond academia and had begun to alter the very essence of American culture. It was also starting to take root in Europe. Macron and Blanquer were right about the threat, but they’d arrived at this realization too late."

Wokeism through so-called progressivism is also destroying the United States Armed Forces as well.

Then the US Government via the Executive branch overreaches with wokeness mandates and policy changes within the federal government.

Then there are the flagrant lies (misinformation and disinformation) being put out by Disney among other false prophets with a race baiting agenda) per black activists that try to blackwash history with their propaganda in order to push false narratives that will get them financial favors in the end.

Worst of all is the flip-flop on police and criminals, where police are castigated, and criminals are celebrated. This is the most mindboggling of all the woke crap in this world.

But thankfully it appears that the anti-woke revolution may very well be beginning.

One can only hope so. I simply want my 70s-90s back before all this degradation and de-evolution to human society began.


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