According to Justice Clarence Thomas, the next issue(s) to be taken up and corrected by SCOTUS should be gay marriage, contraception and sodomy. I would also add the case that created protections that were NOT written thereof in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, transgender rights.
For far too long the Justices have read into (i.e., legislated from the bench) the Amendments in order to create rights that are not explicitly written thereof. Justice Thomas is correct. Gay marriage, contraception, sodomy and transgender rights are NOT written into the US Constitution, and those gross errors of case precedence needs to be reversed and corrected.
"Justice Neil Gorsuch, writing for a 6-to-3 majority of the court, said that while the Civil Rights Act doesn't specifically mention the rights of homosexuals or transgender individuals, that law was written broadly enough to demand they be protected from discrimination in employment matters such as hiring, firing, pay and promotion."
No, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was not written "broadly enough" to add factors that simply did not exist. It was very, very specific, not broad.
"...outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin."
In 1964, sex meant a biological man and a biological woman. Nothing else. Not gays. Not transgenders. Just a biological man and a biological woman. Below is NOT a biological woman.

What Justice Gorsuch did was read into the statute without taking the legislative history into account, which is precisely what they are supposed to do. He failed, epically, to uphold his responsibility in that process of judicial review. He took nothing of factual history surrounding transgenderism into account where that 1964 Act is concerned. He failed. The Court failed. Transgenders are NOT protected by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Controversial pundit from the Daily Wire, Matt Walsh, has created a well written and produced documentary entitled, "What is a Woman?" And it is causing quite the stir among snowflakes and liberal whiners. Especially the interviews done on the Dr. Phil Show between Walsh and a couple other, well, guests.
"What is a Woman?" is the documentary of our age. It addresses a reality that most refuse to accept. People who cannot handle the truth simply cannot handle the fact that their illusions are not actual reality. So, they deny truth, and charge truthsayers as bigots. Typical intellectual cowardice and a fine example of the Dunning Kruger Effect in action.
It simply does not matter how hard liberals push, or their successes in getting others to become "woke," it simply will not change the FACT that less than 0.5% of the population in this country just will not accept men thinking they are women, women thinking they are men. In fact, the world over just will not accept the indoctrination of children into the homosexual and transgender agenda either. The latest Disney Buzz Lightyear movie has been an utter failure because of a same-sex kiss depicted within the animated movie. Normal heterosexual men and women are getting sick and tired of sexualizing children in today's liberal climate of "grooming."
Over the past couple years there have been unrelenting efforts to "groom" children sexually, and in doing so, they become psychologically damaged adults. Ineffective as emotionally and intellectually intelligent free-thinking individuals that will be productive members of society. Rather, they will be born and bred democrats voting for them without a thought of what it will do to them in the future.
Fact is, to destroy a populace, a county, is to destroy the adults as children before they become adults. It makes invasion easier for stronger countries who would destroy said country they hate. As of late, America has been producing pussies. Too many in fact. America is the last greatest country, and if we fail, if we country is going to air drop food, medical supplies and weapons. No one. As such, there will be no other place to escape to; precisely because there is no other country in this world that is freer or more secure than America.
But because America is free, too many within this country take their freedoms for granted. And it is precisely that reason this country is failing. Evidence of this? Everything that has happened since George Floyd overdosed on Fentanyl blamed on a knee on the base of the neck (that no one can proved caused his death) of a black criminal who wanted to be on the ground in the first place. Now statues are erected of him, and police are castigated. America is doomed.
*** Work in Progress ***