The author begins the premise of the preface with the following declaration:
"Contemporary attempts to deny, ignore, justify, or condone the legacy of the centuries-long genocide and the international economic consequences of the Transatlantic Slave Trade (1500-2024) have to be resolutely challenged and refuted."
The Transatlantic Slave Trade ended in 2024? Odd. -- checks notes -- The Transatlantic Slave Trade began in 1526 and ended in 1807 by Britain, and 1808 by the United States. Not 2024.
Ironic the author invokes the term 'genocide' as being applied to Europeans, but not the Africans involved in the slave trade themselves.
Historically, Africans have been committing genocide of their own peoples for centuries. Even to this very day, in the year 2025, genocide is still occurring.
Rwanda has been entangled in nothing but genocide and slavery for years upon years, decades in fact.
"As a result of the international slave trade, unprecedented economic profits and wealth were acquired in Europe and in North and South America."
And yet the only black ancestors of slaves that the world ever hears from, are North American blacks. No one else, anywhere. Despite the FACT that less than 335,000 Africans were even taken to North America, and the remaining 10.7 million, were taken to South America and the Carribean. As a result, ancestors of other black Africans in other countries are taking the lead from North American (self-entitled and
The author then states:
"The brutal consignment and enforced categorization of African people as mere property devoid of any human attribution was part and parcel of the emergence of the haunted ideology of white supremacy."
White supremacy is used like the infamous race card, neither of which having any political, social or legal value. I mean really, what was the "brutal consignment and enforced categorization of {1.5 million} White Europeans as mere property devoid of any human attribution {being} part and parcel of the emergence of the haunted ideology of black supremacy" where the Barbery Pirates are concerned?
The level of hypocrisy and denialism of other historical facts surrounding human slavery knows no bounds.
"Distinctive in the annals of human history, the Transatlantic Salve Trade is ladened with evolving factual narratives that are stained with the blood of cruelty, injustice, and inhumanity."
And the slavery of white Europeans by the Barbery Pirates and sold in North Africa was what, a walk in the park?
"The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Overcoming the 500-Year Legacy is a contemporary testament, history, and documentation of events to empower our remembrance and reckoning and the possibility of reparations."
No, all this book is eliciting is furthering the infamous victimhood-mentality among black Americans who descended from ancestral slaves. In essence, you're keeping our own as slaves to the Democratic plantation of beggars to their own demise.
"At a time today when there are renewed efforts to burn and ban books about race and racial justice, we are grateful to find a publisher courageous enough to publish our findings and recommendation. We affirm -- and believe -- that truth is therapeutic."
There is a plethora of literature that is scientific in nature, legal, historical, and categorical that has been written of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, and all this book does is rehash it all in the agenda driven perspective of the author(s).
"One fact is irrefutable and must be noted. The transatlantic slaver trade was the longest-running genocidal crime against humanity in world history, causing the death, enslavement, and suffering of over 60 million people from Africa, plus an additional 4 million descendants of Africa born into enslavement in North America and South America."
This spurious claim is factually inaccurate.
The number of Africans who died during the transatlantic slave trade varies widely, with estimates ranging from 6 to 150 million. The official UN estimate is 17 million. The transatlantic slave trade forcibly displaced around 12.5 million Africans between the 17th and 19th centuries, with approximately 10.6 to 11 million surviving the Middle Passage across the Atlantic.
Not all of the deaths were at the hands of white Europeans either, much of which killed by other Africans. That's just a historical fact.
"We hold an unwavering conviction that remembrance, education, and commitment to truth may be further realized by those who are reached by this book."
Well, you have to actually convey substantiated truth to impart truth by those reading this book. Thus far, I've seen very little truth.
I invite my readers to the next blog covering Chapter 1, and every subsequent chapter thereafter.