There very much is a popular ideology called Transgenderism. And it's becoming militant.
Meaning "systematic set of ideas, doctrines through which the world is interpreted" was in use in English by 1907, earliest in socialist and communist writing, with reference to class; from 1918 it came to be used of socialism and communism themselves (along with fascism) and later more broadly still.
Ideology ... is usually taken to mean, a prescriptive doctrine that is not supported by rational argument. [D.D. Raphael, "Problems of Political Philosophy," 1970]
Idée fixe (1836) is from French, literally "fixed idea."
-logy : word-forming element meaning "a speaking, discourse, treatise, doctrine, theory, science," from Greek -logia (often via French -logie or Medieval Latin -logia), from -log-, combining form of legein "to speak, tell;" thus, "the character or deportment of one who speaks or treats of (a certain subject);"
: a manner or the content of thinking characteristic of an individual, group, or culture
: the integrated assertions, theories and aims that constitute a sociopolitical program
: a systematic body of concepts especially about human life or culture
Transgenderism [is] an ideology.
Liberal progressives will continue to bitch and argue logical fallacies in order to divert due attention from a very serious problem afflicting humanity. That denialism will NEVER change the FACT that transgenderism IS an ideology.
"That crime belongs to the gender ideologues who are pushing an ideology that is politically regressive in every way. Indeed, “transgenderism” destroys the equality that women have achieved and actually enshrines harmful sex stereotypes in law, medicine, academia, and throughout all of society."
"The ideology of transgenderism is so pronounced and so widespread that there is no need to describe it in detail. What occasions a statement from the National Association of Scholars on it are several of the ways that that ideology has disrupted American education at all levels. These include:
Vitriolic attacks on faculty members and medical professionals who dissent from the transgender orthodoxy2
Insisting that faculty members and students divulge their “preferred pronouns” and that others address and refer to people by these pronouns.3
The readiness of competitive sports to permit individuals of one sex to compete in single-sex contests of the opposite sex.4
The designation of gender-inclusive restrooms on campus. Yale, for example, has 332 such designated restrooms created at the reported cost of $8.3 million.5
The insistence that archaeologists and forensic anthropologists cease classifying human skeletal remains as male or female, since we do not know the “gender identification” of the individuals.6
Distortion of the medical school curriculum and consequences for healthcare.7
"Transgender activists don’t admit that this is a metaphysical claim. They don’t want to have the debate on the level of philosophy, so they dress it up as a scientific and medical claim. And they’ve co-opted many professional associations for their cause."
"It was at that point — when I was told challenges to and questions about gender identity ideology in defense of women’s rights were equal to the lead up towards one of the worst genocides in human history — that I had my “WTF?” moment, and I began to tip."
"Van Mol called the trans movement “ideology masquerading as science, reinforced with emotional blackmail — ‘You have to support them or they’re going to kill themselves' — which is also not true.”"
"Some of the organizations Jennifer owns and funds are especially noteworthy to examining the rapid induction of transgender ideology into medical, legal and educational institutions."
"Militant transgender advocates are imposing their agenda with uncompromising zeal on schoolchildren."
"Research into the determinants of gender identity may do more harm than good"
As of late this ideology has become quite militant and even violent.
JFC! I am watching this video, listening to it, and the evil plans that began with the Rockefellers to present day with W.H.O., the U.N. and UNESCO is just madness!!!!!
"In March, UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), two agencies within the United Nations, along with the International Committee of Jurists (ICJ) published a group of "new legal principles" that would advance "decriminalization efforts" globally, and principal 16 stated "sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual."
"“With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may not be linked to the sex/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage,” the United Nations says.""
There is more, but the underlining goal is a movement, one of many plans, to reduce the world's population by 90%. Targeting children with all this hyper-sexualization from birth to pre-teen years in order to have a full grab hold on controlling the population. Screwing up kids psychologically through the gender and transgender ideology indoctrination and pushing the decriminalization of pedophilia and a push to sexualize kids in practice is insanity!
Going beyond this brainwashing and destroying the minds of tomorrow's adults via today's children, the W.H.O. is gearing up their end game goal to control literally everything: you, food, water, plants, pets, animals...it's called ONE HEALTH.
All of this evil doctrine begins with the Fabian Socialists. Huxley's bools BRAVE NEW WORLD was the plan that laid the foundation for all this corruption. Ever hear of Rockefeller's "operation lockstep"?
Looking back over the past 5 decades, it is clear this evil plan has been in motion long before us...as such things takes time, it cannot be done overnight. Each operation has been achieved in lock step for sure. I knew for sure that once gay marriage was granted, the transgender clowns would come out of the woodworks like cockroaches. Sure as shit they did. When that happened, I knew pedophilia would be next. It's on the verge of being pushed as acceptable. This shit the woman talks about in the cited video is coming to fruition, has been proven to be true with the historical events she mentioned, and it will only get worse before it gets better.