Right from the onset DiAngelo gives her readers a factually inaccurate definition of racism:
"racism...that includes the acknowledgement that whites hold social institutional power over people of color."
THIS is the factually accurate definition of racism:
The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
The belief that each race has distinct and intrinsic attributes.
Nowhere in that definition, one that has held for nearly 100 years, does not include, hint at or even remotely allude to any measure of social and/or institutional power of one group over another based on race. At its core, racism is the belief that one race is better than another. That's it. It has nothing to do with social and/or institutional power. Those in power change the institution every term based on their own agendas and prejudices, not to mention greed and lust for more power. Those are the two driving factors of social and/or institutional change via politics: greed and lust for power. Not racism.
Whenever someone begins a theory based on a false premise, the conclusion is equally false. And to DiAngelo's on detriment, the entirety of her book and her concepts are all based on false premises that basically discriminate not against whites, but rather black Americans. Which is the a-typical modus operandi of white guilt liberals such as DiAngelo.
The delusions are absolutely astounding, take this statement for instance:
"White people in North America live in a society that is deeply separate and unequal by race, and white people are the beneficiaries of that separation and inequality."
Will and Jada Pinkett Smith have a combined net worth of $400 million dollars. Your average white family's net worth is $141,000.00. So where exactly is the "separation and inequality" there? Oprah's net worth is $3.5 billion dollars. Again, where exactly is the "separation and inequality"? I can go on and on with numerous black American celebrities, professionals, scholars, so on and so forth who account for the majority of the black population that disproves DiAngelo's statement above. Fact is that whites make up 42 percent of America’s poor, blacks about 28 percent. Granted there are more whites than blacks in America, but proportionally whites are at a greater disadvantage than blacks, despite what the liberal progressive left and democrats are falsely claiming otherwise.
DiAngelo goes on to describe "white fragility" as a means to an end towards "racial control and the protection of white advantage." Exactly what control and advantage does white America have over Barrack and Michelle Obama? Beyonce? Cardi B? Rhianna? Morgan Freeman? Denzel Washington? Thomas Sowell? James McWhorter? Clarence Thomas? Candace Owens? The list is long...and the answer is the same for all, none. Whites have absolutely no "racial control" over any of the aforementioned in the "protection of white advantage." None.
Even when we look back in time, back to the late 1800s, what "racial control and the protection of white advantage" was there that stopped Madam C.J. Walker from becoming the very first female millionaire? The answer is the same as before, none.
What about Booker T. Washington? W. E. B. Du Bois? Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander? Richard Allen? James Baldwin? So on and so forth!?! Again the answer is the same: none.
The following passage found on page 4 of her book, the irony here clearly escapes DiAngelo...
"Given our racial insulation, coupled with misinformation, any suggestion that we are complicit in racism is a kind of unwelcome and insulting shock to the system."
Misinformation? That's laughable coming from her, given the glaring fact that the entirety of her book is nothing short or shy of pure "misinformation."
Another ironic statement made by DiAngelo is both psychological projection and an inadvertent admission of her own guilt that she clearly doesn't even realize.
"I believe that white progressives cause the most daily damage to people of color."
"White progressives can be the most difficult for people of color because, to the degree that we think we have arrived, we will put our energy into making sure that others see us as having arrived."
"White progressives do indeed uphold and perpetuate racism, but our defensiveness and certitude make it virtually impossible to explain to us how we do so."
Um, hate to break it to you DiAngelo, but YOU ARE a "white progressive."
Here is a perfect example of DiAngelo's white progressive racism directed at black Americans:
"Race will influence whether we will survive our birth, where we are most likely to live, which schools we will attend, who our friends and partners will be, what careers we will have, how much money we will earn, how healthy we will be, and even how long we can expect to live."
Dr. Ben Carson's mother didn't believe in how race would influence her sons' lives. Despite dropping out of school at age 13 to get married, after being divorced when Ben was just eight years old, she took charge and raised her children to be strong, independent and intelligent members of society. Ben thrived and became a Neurosurgeon. Ben made his wealth, chose where he wanted to live, who his friends and partners would be, and how healthy he would be. Race had nothing to do with it. Never does, for anyone, regardless of race.
Dr. Carson is but one example among thousands upon thousands of successful individuals: black, brown, yellow, red or even white.
Bottom line, DiAngelo is nothing more than a white guilt liberal closet racist, as are all white guilt liberals. Together with liberal democrat blacks, they destroy any measure of peace and promises of the civil rights era Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought so hard to establish and preserve.
