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White Privilege - Fact or Fiction

I can go on and on linking great articles and educated (i.e. - objective) opinions clearly debunking the liberal myth of "white privilege," a term to replace the well-known "race card" often pulled by those in the black community (and white guilt liberals) to excuse the illicit behavior of black Americans. As of late, the black community has shown its true colors and in doing so, they have firmly established their "black privilege."

For all the choices made, actions completed, things said and done...the following are examples of black Americans who are living proof of Black Privilege:

Jussie Smollett = black privilege

Joy-Ann Reid = black privilege

Elie Mystal = black privilege

Michael Eric Dyson = black privilege

Nicole Hannah Jones = black privilege

Jada Pinkett Smith = black privilege

Will Smith = black privilege

Al Sharpton = black privilege

Jesse Jackson = black privilege

Van Jones = black privilege

Whoopi Goldberg = black privilege

George Floyd = black privilege

Jacob Wright = black privilege

Benjamin Crump = black privilege

Every black male that kills another black person = black privilege

And every black person that make a hoax claim of a hate crime/racism (e.g., Jussie Smollett, Tawana Brawley, etc.)

I mean, I can go on and on and on with example after example of blacks getting away with things said and done that no white person, or any other non-person of color (e.g., Jews) would be allowed to get away with. Anyone not black would just be castigated for being a "racist." The all too common "race card" being pulled to shut down any argument or proffering of the truth about a black person. A fact we see all the time in the immediate aftermath of a black male being shot and killed by the police.

Take the recent incident in Akron, Ohio involving Jayland Walker who was wearing a ski mask and led police on a high-speed felonious case chase (in a vehicle sought by police for an earlier incident) while shooting at the police, leaping from the driver seat out the passenger door to run from police while the vehicle was still moving, refusing to obey commands to stop and comply (with officers deploying tasers without a successful result), then reaching for his waistband and turning towards please in a perceived threatening manner...he gets shot and rightly so. Yes, I said that. You reap what you sow when you do not comply with lawful commands and put law enforcement within the position to defend not only innocent lives around them (to include those sleeping in their beds within their homes), but also their own life and that of their fellow officers.

Despite facts that clearly depict the black male being the criminal that they clearly are, assailing others, and more poignantly law enforcement officers, many on the left, both democratic blacks and white guilt liberals, simply jump to emotively driven ignorant subjective judgments without knowing any of the facts, or simply denying those concrete facts. The truth is too difficult for them to swallow, so they deny that reality for their emotively filled fantasy of anger, resentment and disdain for white people. People they should be grateful for the life they have; versus the life they likely would never have had to begin with. After all, only roughly 334,000 Africans were even brought to the shores of North America. The remaining 10.7 million that survived the Atlantic journey were taken to the Caribbean and South America.

A glaring difference between Africans taken to North America and the other southern locations is the obvious fact that Africans and their decedents in north America have taken their freedom for granted. So much so that they cause more violent crime, steal, cheat and demand reparations whereas those African descendants in the Caribbean and South America do not. That is just a reality. A fact. Which is precisely why those from the aforementioned regions, even Africa (e.g., Nigerians), are far more successful academically and professionally than native born blacks. Think on that.

Now the real question, can blacks be racist? YES!

And yet blacks claim America is the most racist country against blacks. According to this article, America ranks 12th on the top 12 countries alleged to be racist against blacks; India ranked number one.

Just this past July 4, 2022, actress and comedian Leslie Jones took to social media to berate America not being free and it is returning to slavery. Former Officer Brandon breaks down and unpacks her asinine rant here. During his video he makes a really great point regarding the vast freedoms of America that make it possible for people like Jones to become very wealthy despite "having no talent." Tatum then recounts the richest black women in the world and America has 6 of them with Oprah topping the list, obviously.

I will wager a bet that 9.9 out of 10 people reading this blog doesn't even know who the very first woman to become a self-made millionaire was... Madame C.J. Walker; and she didn't make that money in 2000, 1990 or even 1960. She became a successful entrepreneur in the early 1900s, a time considered to be far more racist towards blacks than present day. America is also so free and provides a multitude of opportunities for anyone, even the poorest and most downtrodden like the humble beginnings of multimillionaire Chris Gardner, a tried-and-true rags to riches story.

Yet despite all the freedom and opportunities that are out there that can make anyone in America very successful, it appears those who are successful complain the most about America and accuse it of restricting those freedoms, opportunities and rights of the people. Clearly that couldn't be any further from the truth, as Brandon Tatum so correctly articulated in the cited YouTube video.

Over the past decade and beyond, any non-person of color could be fired, blacklisted, and ostracized for innocuous things said and/or done whereas if a person of color did the same thing would be either ignored or given a pat on the back for saying or doing so. This, by definition black privilege (or even Hispanic privilege), not white privilege.

I could go on and on listing cases and example after example of how false claims of racism have been literally weaponized in America in order to not only shut down debate/discussion, but also businesses, personal lives, neighborhoods, towns and even entire cities - just look at the summer riots of 2020. Despite the level of damage structurally, financially but also personally for hundreds of thousands of people, to include those who lost their lives, no one on the left, let along Congress, will simply not investigate the rioting to get to the actual truth. In fact, many politicians (and celebrities) supported the rioting by BLM and created funding sources to get anyone arrested out of jail, politicians like Kamalla Harris.

Politicians are not the only problem either, celebrities are also a huge problem when it comes to weaponizing false claims of racism and using it against white America, especially white males. No white person would ever get away with what Jada Pinkett-Smith did in accusing the Academy/Oscars of "being too white" (i.e., lack of diversity). That is black privilege right there. But the fact that escapes her and everyone who supported this asinine nonsensical accusation is proportionality of the white and black population juxtaposed to one another. When there are more white actors, actresses, directors, so on and so forth...there will obviously be more nominees than the much fewer or absent roles filled by blacks. For example, if only 10 movies were made one year with only 2 having a black lead, 2 having a black director, and 2 with black makeup artists the odds of any one or more being nominated will be less than their white counterparts. That's not a lack of diversity, that's a lack of black professionals in those roles jumping forward to act in or direct those movies. That's not racism; that's just a lack of qualified people.

Then we have MSM correspondents, commentators, and pundits who get away with saying things on television and on social media that no white person would less they want to be fired, ostracized and their lives ruined (which includes death threats from leftist fanatics). People like Elie Mystal, Joy Ann Reid, Nicole Hannah Jones, Van Jones, Al Sharpton, so on and so forth. This doesn't go without saying white guilt liberals are just as bad, if not more, like race baiter transracial Jeffrey "Shaun" King.

I can go on and on with example after example of the flagrant black privilege being used to further divide this country on faux racial grounds, but why beat around the bush. In the end the answer to the question of whether or not white privilege is a fact or fiction, the obvious answer is it is truly pure fiction; but black privilege is very real and dangerous to any and all attempts of moving America forward towards racial harmony.


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